
Showing posts from August, 2021

Biden abandons America

 While we Americans weep... The Chinese say "CRISIS to others is the same as FORTUNE for us..." The TURTLE ON THE FENCE POST  and all those who placed them there are in shock. Maricopa County Arizona, Fulton County Georgia, and the association of newspaper editors. Placed that turtle on the fence post. Mr. Biden is the turtle on the fence post... That turtle does not know how it got there, Much less how to get down. China, knows opportunity, China knows It can wait for a better time to invade Taiwan and claim it as it's own... Is there a better time? NO!!! "Strike when the enemy is confused and disorganized" Sun Tzu There is no better time than...NOW!!!.... Taiwan is China. Nothing America can do...Short of Nuclear war.... But who know, That turtle might make Black Rain fall everywhere.  For those who don't know BLACK RAIN is radioactive rain.

Attention...Tesla Corp investors... Teslarati

 Below is a very good example of how, Main Street Media controls and nudges society also known as you. Main street media (MSM) will never place an oopps apology we ran the wrong story. They will never say Sorry we cost you thousands $$$$ because of what we wrote.... Yet those same writers who retyped the same story...Like frogs croaking near a pond or retarded parrots like on to damage yet again. In this case they, MSM caused billion dollar damages to Tesla Corp and investors... Here is a link to those who nudge societies opinion or direction....End game only they know... We were not able to get a single picture of one of them... Tesla is vindicated over fire after salvaged car buyer reveals video showing how fire originated Tesla has been vindicated after a Model Y was wrongly blamed for a fire that happened earlier this year in Texas . A video emerged showing that the fire didn’t originate from the electric vehicle. In March, a fire started at a residence in Dallas. Smoke was visibl

Musk Promises a Humanoid

 While there are promises and there again there are wishes... Once someone said that, "The mission will always dictate, WHEN." With that said I believe Mr. Musk when he said a robot by 2022... We like all others don't believe him due to the complexity of the task, Know first hand he did not just start this...He's been working on it for a while... But Just how close is he with the proper staff and org, How close is he? Is the raw material in Place? Does he already have a separate Co already set up for this new effort? Let us look at what he has... Tesla has the AI chip to install all Manner of AI algorithms; See DOJO CHIP....All 50 thousand million of them.    Here  ...Or Here . What else do we see that the masses are not aware or seeing? How about the fact that mechanical pulleys with levers are not needed or are obsolete... For that we will steer you here.  And for a few more articles about artificial muscles here . That is just great speculation, how about connectin

New poll shows...

  A fox news reporter tells us that 59% of democrats prefer socialism... What the reporter don't tell you is 59% of what number of respondents... 59% of 1200?... 1700? We looked hard for the source of the poll and and the total... The numbers of respondents are now where to be found or sourced for those who don't know, there are polls and there are samples. the masses like this so called reporter don't know the difference between the 2.... I doubt his bosses know and if they do... they just played politics to divide.... The big difference between a scientific poll and a mere sample is vast... A real poll to be of scientific and for that poll have political value must be X% of the population.  In America it has to be over 3000 respondents to show bias or results that can be quantified or relied upon... Therefore, this headline  Majority of Democratic registered voters now prefer socialism  Is a RED HERRING. This reporter  Ronn Blitzer  knows he is playing a divisive tactic..

Florida's most RACIST county...

Is America no better than the Chinese when dealing with others?.... The concern of a doctor takes away your rights as a parent. Should we trust doctors... We as a family certainly not... Not only do we find then ignorant, but now they show their claws also as racist.   'AMERICAN IDOL' SYESHA MERCADO SOBS AS POLICE TAKE NEWBORN BABY ... 2nd Child Taken From Her... The Manatee County Sheriff's Office tells TMZ the kid (New born Infant) was picked up by order of a family court judge. The agency adds, "We understand that from the outside looking in The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, Child Protection Investigation Division’s actions may seem uncaring, but let me assure you we have the best interest of children and families in mind at all times. MCSO goes on to say, "We are governed by numerous policies and laws to ensure we do not lose focus when dealing with vulnerable families.  The last thing anyone in this business wants to do is shelter children from their paren