Biden abandons America

 While we Americans weep... The Chinese say "CRISIS to others is the same as FORTUNE for us..."

The TURTLE ON THE FENCE POST  and all those who placed them there are in shock.

Maricopa County Arizona, Fulton County Georgia, and the association of newspaper editors. Placed that turtle on the fence post.

Mr. Biden is the turtle on the fence post...

That turtle does not know how it got there, Much less how to get down.

China, knows opportunity, China knows It can wait for a better time to invade Taiwan and claim it as it's own... Is there a better time?


"Strike when the enemy is confused and disorganized" Sun Tzu

There is no better time than...NOW!!!.... Taiwan is China.

Nothing America can do...Short of Nuclear war....

But who know, That turtle might make Black Rain fall everywhere. For those who don't know BLACK RAIN is radioactive rain.


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