Musk Promises a Humanoid
While there are promises and there again there are wishes... Once someone said that, "The mission will always dictate, WHEN." With that said I believe Mr. Musk when he said a robot by 2022...
We like all others don't believe him due to the complexity of the task, Know first hand he did not just start this...He's been working on it for a while...
But Just how close is he with the proper staff and org, How close is he? Is the raw material in Place? Does he already have a separate Co already set up for this new effort?
Let us look at what he has...
Tesla has the AI chip to install all Manner of AI algorithms; See DOJO CHIP....All 50 thousand million of them. Here ...Or Here.
What else do we see that the masses are not aware or seeing?
How about the fact that mechanical pulleys with levers are not needed or are obsolete... For that we will steer you here. And for a few more articles about artificial muscles here.
That is just great speculation, how about connecting it all together, what does musk have?
He also has the self-navigating software that will be the same one used on cars will be used on the humanoid
Well Mr. musk has besides having great balls of BRASS and excellent imagination...He reads a lot..It seems he read about the programmable fiber, That can sense heat, pressure and touch. With this last bit of news he knew all the elements to build a Humanoid had arrived.... For that bit of news we steer you here.. This programmable fiber to a robot is what the nerve bundle is to us..
Even if the idea to put all those things together takes ten years...All The ingredients are already there...
And as for Tesla critics.... "Those who can't do will always stand in the way of those who try."
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