Is FACEBOOK bad as an investment? Update 04/12/19 Command Structure Flaw revealed

As a regular user of FACEBOOK, and an investor (no position on Facebook). We find that Facebook is nothing but a tool that serves the governments and the stock holders of Facebook itself. Facebook history is based upon fraud, deceit and some say even outright theft. (Link here) How does Face Book AKA M. Zuckerberg. (Apt last name) make their money? They read Emails, even the scanned documents on printers to better place adverts on each users page via an application called PEGASUS... Do they as a whole commit fraud, inflate their audience participation time online, in order to charge more for adverts placed withing Facebook. You bet. Full disclosure. We/I have NO position on FACEBOOK stock or their Subs.. Such as Messenger Instagram. The fraud comes in the form of disdain Facebook ADMIN has towards their individual user. That can clearly be seen or felt when trying to delete a user account, 30 plus days and if you check status, another additional 30 days each time status is ...