Is FACEBOOK bad as an investment? Update 04/12/19 Command Structure Flaw revealed
As a regular user of FACEBOOK, and an investor (no position on Facebook). We find that Facebook is nothing but a tool that serves the governments and the stock holders of Facebook itself.
Facebook history is based upon fraud, deceit and some say even outright theft. (Link here)
How does Face Book AKA M. Zuckerberg. (Apt last name) make their money? They read Emails, even the scanned documents on printers to better place adverts on each users page via an application called PEGASUS... Do they as a whole commit fraud, inflate their audience participation time online, in order to charge more for adverts placed withing Facebook. You bet.
Full disclosure.
We/I have NO position on FACEBOOK stock or their Subs.. Such as Messenger Instagram.
The fraud comes in the form of disdain Facebook ADMIN has towards their individual user. That can clearly be seen or felt when trying to delete a user account, 30 plus days and if you check status, another additional 30 days each time status is checked. This is done to minimize subscriber loss numbers and defraud the stock holders.
The real FRAUD is done to Advertisers, when fantastically inflated user time on facebook is exaggerated in the following way. EVEN if a FB user has moved on to other sites and has not clicked, viewed, liked or moved the pointer within FB for 2 hours, 4 hours or more FB WILL NOT DISCONNECT because of inactivity within the site... Why? because individual viewer time can then be added as activity even when FB knows the Mouse pointers within FB page has not moved in DAYS.
So when FB promotes 5 Billion hours of connected time per month, ADMIN knows that is not true....
Facebook investors and advertisers should ask the right questions before placing an ADVERT in face book.
We as users will dismiss adverts as irrelevant and not of interest there forethrowing a wrench into the logarithms....
What starts as an allegation of Theft against Zuckerberg and monies exchanged to quiet the claim says something...lest investors forget...
Old Article in the Guardian
"The Winklevoss twins (or the Winklevii, as Mark Zuckerberg calls them) were back in court last Tuesday. For readers to whom this means nothing, I should explain that they are the two Harvard alumni (and Olympic oarsmen) who claim that they created Facebook only to have Zuckerberg steal it from under their noses. Some years ago, in company with Divya Narendra, another Harvard alumnus who had worked with them on the original concept, they launched a lawsuit against the Facebook founder that resulted in two things: a $65m legal settlement in which the Winklevii got $20m in cash and $45m-worth of Facebook shares; and a major Hollywood movie – The Social Network – which tells the story in colourful terms.
Usually Thieves don't know what to do with the things they steal, Same goes for Zuckerberg... Witness.. Latest push...A facebook camera in every room powered by the most privacy invading software, Messenger embeded with PEGASUS spyware..."
Facebook innovation is non existent... Investors beware
The same goes with Twitter... The original developer of Twitter was forced out in power play just before it went public... Because of that, Twitter is stagnant unable to develop further innovation..
Case in Point regarding Facebook,
A user can have a FB page and then SEVERAL CLOSED GROUPS within their main page....
Recently A Photo of women in their 3rd stage of life was granted the status of Pornography by FB algorithm As placed in (Closed group A), That label was Successfully challenged approved and uploaded.
Same Photo Next day was again place within the 'Closed group B' Again labelled Pornographic... Challenged again successfully.
Same photo published again day 3 (Closed Group C) again labeled Pornographic...Challenged again NOT SUCCESSFUL.
Same Photo day 4 Published in (Closed Group D) again labeled Pornographic...
Challenged again... succesfully
This reveals a deep flaw within Facebook Structure that hinders Progress and INNOVATION....
Update regarding FACEBOOK content control.
While FACEBOOK tries to keep obscene content away from public pages of its user it also meddles into the contents of PRIVATE and CLOSED groups... When FACEBOOK meddles as CENSOR into the conversations and contents of ADULTS it does nothing but tells ADULT users "you are not mature enough" to be posting and showing such materials...
Because FACEBOOK policy of MEDDLING and CENSORING adults (who by the way are the majority of current users) Is the same and main reason FACEBOOK membership is reduced or STAGNANT...
Case in point... FACEBOOK considers these photos below, that are part of ARTISTIC PUBLIC exhibit OBSCENE and worthy of CENSURE...
YES it does...
The only good use of FACEBOOK is for police and GOVERNMENT AGENCIES... The rest of us should walk away... Walk away, and fast.

FACEBOOK as an investment is dead on ARRIVAL
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