The consequences of OSHA Mandate

 States Rights VS federal Gov. 

The reason the concept of filibuster was created, was to ensure the government (Senate & House) did nothing against those governed (The People) unless agreed to by a large majority. This brings us to the bill of RIGHTS.... that says...“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”

Therefore states have an inherent right to reject Presidential mandates Ordering states to do this and that while bypassing the house and senate...

This past century the states have allowed the federal government to permanently establish federal offices and agents in each state. Which is the same as allowing China or Russia to place offices in each of the 50 states.

With that said... we (the States) come face to face with a dilemma. How to tell Washington, in loud and certain terms...enough of your encroachment and overreach.

First the states must understand that the federal government not only wants the revenue (money) from each state but also wants to control every aspect of governance in each state. 

Under the pretext of holding criminals accountable the FBI was created....Today they have offices in every densely populated state... They have 56 offices with an average of 35 employees at each office. Ask a well trained Marine.. what can they NOT DO with 1960 men? Even 20 agents can do a lot of harm to any state.

Let's not get too far ahead...We are sure the FBI does not set traps to individuals and will certainly not spy upon the Governors they don't like... 

The best way for each state to fight back against individual mandates such as the OSHA Mandate is to go ahead and order the closing of OSHA offices in each state. Let OSHA operate directly from Washington. If for example Florida closes the 2 OSHA offices currently in the state. This would be the 1st shot in reclaiming the few states rights that remain.... We are sure OSHA and the FBI mean well... They can do the same job from Washington

Who would be the first Governor to tell the federal Government "We've had enough. We are closing your OSHA offices in this state. Take your files and Go." Governor Abbott? Governor DiSantis?


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