Gravity and Electromagnetism are the same.


Gravity is an effect, Force (weak) caused and multiplied by the mass of quarks.

Electromagnetism is the same force exerted by quarks in atoms that occurs in sand (silica) earth however it is not concentrated. The density of Certain metallic atoms allows for the N/S of quarks to align and therefore create magnets. A flavour of magnetism if we can call it that. Which in turn gave us electricity.

Quarks are...

"The magnetic moments of the proton and the neutron derive from the intrinsic moments of their quarks and any dipole moment of the quarks within the nucleon. The magnetic moment of a proton, measured in nuclear magneton units, is +2.79285. The nuclear magneton is defined

e(½h)/(mPc) in the cgs system
e(½h)/(mP) in the SI system

where e is the unit of electrical charge, h is the reduced Planck's constant, mP is the rest mass of a proton and c is the speed of light. It has the dimensions of energy per unit time.

The magnetic moment of a neutron is −1.9130. The ratio of these two magnetic moments is −0.685, intriguingly close to −2/3. There is only a 2.7 percent difference. This suggests that the ratio of the intrinsic magnetic moments of the neutron and proton is precisely −2/3."


The equation is given by F = q v × B or F = qvB sin θ, where q is the charge, B is the magnetic field, v is the velocity, and θ is the angle between the directions of the magnetic field and the velocity.

This equation above applies to ALL protons and their quarks.

A pile of sand if left alone will start to bond together overtime to become rock, Why?. Because all the electrons in that pile of sand will start to Bond together.  This explains the weak gravity of small celestial objects

Atoms caught behaving collectively.
When Two 2 dimensional Graphene sheets are place on top of each other. 
This is where Gravity starts
Quarks have fractional electric charge values—either −​13 or +​23 times the elementary charge, depending on flavor. Up, charm, and top quarks (collectively referred to as up-type quarks) have a charge of +​23, while down, strange, and bottom quarks (down-type quarks) have −​13. Antiquarks have the opposite charge to their corresponding quarks; up-type antiquarks have charges of −​23 and down-type antiquarks have charges of +​13. Since the electric charge of a hadron is the sum of the charges of the constituent quarks, all hadrons have integer charges: the combination of three quarks (baryons), three antiquarks (antibaryons), or a quark and an antiquark (mesons) always results in integer charges.[1] For example the hadron constituents of atomic nuclei, neutrons and protons, have charges of 0 and +1 respectively; the neutron is composed of two down quarks and one up quark, and the proton of two up quarks and one down quark.[2]

Chemistry is not responsible for sand turning into rock. But the electrical interaction of quarks turning into neutrons is where Gravity is born.
This also explains the intense pull, Attraction (pull) of magnets vs loose sand. A handful of loose sand unlike magnets whose atoms and electrons are aligned, does not offer a discernible attraction or pull.
but put together a large amount of sand without heavy metals in the center we get what is traditionally called Gravity, because the collective Charge of the Quarks.

For clarity... See below where Gravity/Electromagnetism is born.

For the hydrogen atom, the peak in the radial probability plot occurs at r = 0.529 Å (52.9 pm), which is exactly the radius calculated by Bohr for the n = 1 orbit. Thus the most probable radius obtained from quantum mechanics is identical to the radius calculated by classical mechanics. In Bohr’s model, however, the electron was assumed to be at this distance 100% of the time, whereas in the Schrödinger model, it is at this distance only some of the time. The difference between the two models is attributable to the wavelike behavior of the electron and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Figure 6.6.2 compares the electron probability densities for the hydrogen 1s, 2s, and 3s orbitals. Note that all three are spherically symmetrical. For the 2s and 3s orbitals, however (and for all other s orbitals as well), the electron probability density does not fall off smoothly with increasing r. Instead, a series of minima and maxima are observed in the radial probability plots (Figure 6.6.2c). The minima correspond to spherical nodes (regions of zero electron probability), which alternate with spherical regions of nonzero electron probability. The existence of these nodes is a consequence of changes of wave phase in the wavefunction Ψ.

Three things happen to s orbitals as n increases (Figure 6.6.2):

  1. They become larger, extending farther from the nucleus.
  2. They contain more nodes. This is similar to a standing wave that has regions of significant amplitude separated by nodes, points with zero amplitude.
  3. For a given atom, the s orbitals also become higher in energy as n increases because of their increased distance from the nucleus.

Orbitals are generally drawn as three-dimensional surfaces that enclose 90% of the electron density, as was shown for the hydrogen 1s, 2s, and 3s orbitals in part (b) in Figure 6.6.2. Although such drawings show the relative sizes of the orbitals, they do not normally show the spherical nodes in the 2s and 3s orbitals because the spherical nodes lie inside the 90% surface. Fortunately, the positions of the spherical nodes are not important for chemical bonding.

What this is telling us the orbits of electrons are not fixed and they.... Flex increase or decrease according to the wavefunction (charge) and thus the orbits of the outer electrons bump into the orbits of other electron of other atoms.

Something like this pile of coins, where the orbit of 1 electron of an element say nickel over sand (Silica) the overlap of Spherical nodes over each electron creates a yet to be measured gravitational charge.

To understand better figure 6.6.2 Each coin is an atom of different elements.
Elements overlap at their basic level The orbit of electron overlap

The electrical field created by the flow/overlap of electrons of different elements. That is what we would call Gravity. Electrons of element (A) overlap the orbit of element (B) and or (C) Creating an electrical field (to be tested or studied) This interaction of overlapping electron orbits is in essence what creates GRAVITY.

The above also explains Black Holes.
Great gravity creates Black holes, But how?

How does the the overlap of electrons explain Black holes?
Simple. Imagine if each coin in the picture is an individual electrons oriented in the direction of the spin of each black hole. 
Each Black hole spinning rate varies according to the matter absorbed, Black holes that feed only on Gasses and silica spin slower that those that swallow solid matter. The speed and inertia of matter hitting the surface of the Black hole is transferred to the Black Hole Like a billiard ball hitting another. 

"They discovered that as electrons are sucked in to a black hole, the magnetic turbulence surrounding the black hole causes chaos. The swirling and shoving of the gravitational pull of the electrons creates a tremendous magnetic field which can generate huge energetic waves of radiation."
The above quote is misleading.
The reason is because there is no shoving at all. matter is pulled in, in a very orderly fashion by the Gravity.
Electrons are the key for the existence of Black Holes as they and only they create Gravity or the collective pull of Electromagnetism. Black holes have have no atoms, no proton or neutron just electrons whose orbits cross each other constantly as the pass each other's orbit within the interior of the massive object, an electrical field is created. This is an experiment that can be measured and done today.
All Black Holes have a North and South pole because as the interior of the Black Hole spins the inner electrons flow towards the surface causing churning. Yes the inside of a Black Hole is active. Nothing escapes BUT THE INSIDE IS VERY ACTIVE. Gravity and or the intense electromagnetic field (same thing) is evidence of the churning.

e(½h)/(mPc) in the cgs system
e(½h)/(mP) in the SI system

These Graphene sheets are 1 Atom thick, as a result they claim these sheets are 2 dimensional...
This is where gravity is born. When an electron flows or ventures into the orbit of another electron. 

Remember Neutrons are composed of Quarks, who exist as both particle and wave

This is where both Gravity and Electromagnetism originate, 
therefore, they are both the SAME


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