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There is no need for revolution or tearing up the constitution, A tremendous show of force must be displayed, constitutional amendments after 1900 must be voided. Virgina showed us how...
Even while not illegal by law, Google shadow bans Bloggers over naming the identity of a CIA leaker named ERIC, C Why Has Blogger Shadow Banned My Blogs? - Google Help https://support.google.com › blogger › forum Around 2010 a bunch of butt hurt members of the fatosphere gang flagged Bigger Fatter Blog because it was critical of the fat acceptance movement and a tyrant ... People also ask Is Shadow banning illegal? Shadow banning . Shadow banning (also called stealth banning , ghost banning or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been banned . Shadow banning - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Shadow_banning Eric Ciara https://heavy.com/news/2019/10/eric-ciaramella/ ...
Bottled souls established 2075... A place where you can sell your memories and skill. A place where you can rent or buy a any skill Work done so far to reach the point where we can put a person's algorithms on a chip and transfer that person onto another body ' Mind - reading ' brain-decoding tech -- ScienceDaily ' Mind - reading ' brain-decoding tech. Date: October 23, 2017; Source: Purdue University; Summary: Researchers have demonstrated how to decode what the ... www.sciencedaily.com https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/171023132019.htm Labeled Featured ... clipped from Google - 11/2017 Beyond bananas: ' Mind reading ' technology decodes complex ... www.sciencedaily.com https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170626105758.htm Beyond bananas: ' Mind reading ' technology decodes complex ... Jun 26, 2017 ... New research builds on the pioneering use of machine learning algorithms...
States Rights VS federal Gov. The reason the concept of filibuster was created, was to ensure the government (Senate & House) did nothing against those governed (The People) unless agreed to by a large majority. This brings us to the bill of RIGHTS.... that says... “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” Therefore states have an inherent right to reject Presidential mandates Ordering states to do this and that while bypassing the house and senate... This past century the states have allowed the federal government to permanently establish federal offices and agents in each state. Which is the same as allowing China or Russia to place offices in each of the 50 states. With that said... we (the States) come face to face with a dilemma. How to tell Washington, in loud and certain terms...enough of your encroachment and overreach. First the states must u...
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