Abraham Ben Judea wins Nobel price in medicine

Abraham B Judea wins nobel price for confirmation on his hypothesis that serial killers and Schizophrenia are the result of a particular BIOME INTESTINAL BACTERIA that has over populated and taken over the digestive system.

The hypothesis stipulates that Biome digestive bacteria are in constant communications with the cerebellum, however those same bacteria influence the thought patterns on each host very much like the bacteria T.Bondii. has on mice after it has gone through the digestive system of cats.
Mr. Judea has requested prison authorities that fecal matter be collected from newly incarcerated violent offender to determine the bacterial count of known BIOME BACTERIA to evaluated isolate the bacterial culprit responsible for the thoughts and actions of the criminally insane.
The Hypothesis is now a Theory.
80% of the world  population don't know the difference between those two words..

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.

hypothesis statement is typically an educated guess as to the relationship between factors, and serves as the basis for an experiment to test whether the relationship holds true which then becomes a theory.

For List of insane and not so sane killers and partners who shared the same bacterial BIOME...Click here


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