
Showing posts from November, 2019

Abraham Ben Judea wins Nobel price in medicine

Abraham B Judea wins nobel price for confirmation on his hypothesis that serial killers and Schizophrenia are the result of a particular BIOME INTESTINAL BACTERIA that has over populated and taken over the digestive system. The hypothesis stipulates that Biome digestive bacteria are in constant communications with the cerebellum, however those same bacteria influence the thought patterns on each host very much like the bacteria T.Bondii . has on mice after it has gone through the digestive system of cats. Mr. Judea has requested prison authorities that fecal matter be collected from newly incarcerated violent offender to determine the bacterial count of known BIOME BACTERIA to evaluated isolate the bacterial culprit responsible for the thoughts and actions of the criminally insane . The Hypothesis is now a Theory. 80% of the world  population don't know the difference between those two words.. A  theory  is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect o...

Does Google Shadow Ban?

 Even while not illegal by law, Google shadow bans Bloggers over naming the identity of a CIA leaker named ERIC, C  Why Has Blogger Shadow Banned My Blogs? - Google Help › blogger › forum Around 2010 a bunch of butt hurt members of the fatosphere gang flagged Bigger Fatter  Blog  because it was critical of the fat acceptance movement and a tyrant ... People also ask Is Shadow banning illegal? Shadow banning .  Shadow banning  (also called stealth  banning , ghost  banning  or comment ghosting) is the act of blocking or partially blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been  banned . Shadow banning - Wikipedia › wiki › Shadow_banning Eric Ciara ...

Perfect example of fake poll masquerading as news

Perfect example of manipulation of statistics and opinions presented as news but are in fact FALSE news because the opinion posted manipulates and misleads statistics According to this opinion and opinion poll by Justin Kircher & Justine Coleman the president is in trouble and by default the Republicans... The number one glaring omission? Number of respondents is no where to be found Remember this, any sampling of opinion must be over 2500 participants to be scientifically valid. Support for President Trump's impeachment slipped 4 percentage points since mid-October, according to a poll  released  Wednesday. The Morning Consult survey found that 47 percent of respondents now back impeachment. In mid-October, a record-high majority — 51 percent — supported it. Those opposed to impeachment held steady at 43 percent, where it has stood since House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry over the president's dealings with Ukraine in September. On the same page...