Whistle blowing on the presidency...

A truly incredible moment we are living in...
lest not forget how we got here, where the CIA and the NSA agencies all are spying the executive office...
A book was written that detailed the crimes and malfeasance of a former politico. lets say it was a secretary of state or a vice president...
This book detailed with evidence the crimes and lawlessness of that person...
This same book is ignored by the talking heads and general media... This same person that is mentioned in the same book is on Audio and video bragging how he/she used the powers of the executive office for personal benefit... That is also ignored by CNN, Washington Post, The Hill, NY Times, Bloomberg and others.
lest not forget, current and future presidents have the obligation to investigate alleged crimes committed by the previous occupants of the White House.. To look the other way will be to be complicit in the same crime...
A book detailed the crime..
A video and audio exist of the accused bragging of the crime...
But the current presidency is accused of political gamesmanship for asking the countries where the crimes were committed to investigate further...
It's not known what is going on with people who refuse to look at the obvious..
A president can not be prosecuted for asking that an alleged crime be investigated regardless of where and when.

This Is A Fact
The presidency finds itself in a damn if you do, damn if you don't regarding Biden..
What is not OBVIOUS to Republicans and centrist is the following...
Mr. Trump did not need any help at all from other governments to bring down the Biden run... All Mr. trump need to do was.... wait out for Biden to be the Democratic nominee, Then hit him with the video of Joe bragging  of the crime at all of Trumps Rallies...
This is a Fact that is ignored by the partisan elected and non elected officials in and out of governments

This book offers better details
Link to Video of Biden Bragging of crime.
What is truly unforgivable by any standard or political affiliation is the fact that the FBI, CIA, NSA even the DOJ Spied upon an elected person because that person does not play political softball. Will these agencies continue to behave the same way with the next president? Who or what will stop them?
The future of the Republic depends upon the answer to these questions...

 Thanks for reading
A. B. Judea


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