
Showing posts from April, 2019

Clinton's Lost Emails...Update...

This just in,.... Under sworn testimony FBI agent testified that, Bill Priestap  FBI # 2? found ALL missing Hillary emails in White house servers... and Obama's Computer. Obama is Implicated and the Assistant director Bill Priestap knows and has, knowledge of the CONTENTS of Hillary's  deleted emails....Because they were found in Hussein Barrack OBAMA Computer... Quietly left the FBI... E. W.  Priestap . Edward William  Priestap , also known as  Bill Priestap , is an American attorney and intelligence official. He was the assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division from 2015 to 2018.

American citizens are PROHIBITED by law from owning real estate

Having looked at the property tax issue and reading extensively the problem of taxation.. Taxes are needed for roads and law enforcing in the cities.... However Property taxes as implemented by democrats on the 63rd congress ( Collect Taxes on accrued property value ) is in violation of the spirit and mission statement of the constitution... Mission statement on the constitution says, "to Promote the general welfare and domestic tranquility" Confiscation or the sale of your property because excessive or the accumulation of property taxes. Violates the mission statement, because the people no longer OWN property, they merely rent from the county/state. The state or in this case the Democrats created a system of taxation similar to the UK. minus the King and Queen... Here in America the only segment of the population that ACTUALLY own property are the AMERICAN INDIANS.. The were granted Allodial* rights to their land. This means that American citizens pay property taxe...

Alarm went off....Scientists create DNA based Robots that eat and self duplicate

Here is why the alarm went off... Below is a picture of the actual thing. This thing is able to feed itself, swim and duplicate... What is to stop DARPA or China from adapting this thing to feed upon white blood cells while at the same time targeting a race of people say people of blue eyes or black skin? Actual Picture.... Using DASH, the Cornell engineers created a biomaterial that can autonomously emerge from its nanoscale building blocks and arrange itself -- first into polymers and eventually mesoscale shapes. Starting from a 55-nucleotide base seed sequence, the DNA molecules were multiplied hundreds of thousands times, creating chains of repeating DNA a few millimeters in size. The reaction solution was then injected in a microfluidic device that provided a liquid flow of energy and the necessary building blocks for biosynthesis. As the flow washed over the material, the DNA synthesized its own new strands, with the front end of the material growing and the tail end...