2019 Election Update Wisconsin... Buried News
It appears that "the smoking gun" evidence of ELECTION FRAUD was found in the state of Wisconsin.... No not heresy, no not witnesses. But yes, the criminals themselves in their own words. These criminals in their own arrogance made a zoom conference video. Where they admitted among themselves that what they proposed to do is against the law, But on the video call they agreed to proceed. On that same video call they laid out the plan on how to harvest blank voting ballots... Oh by the way these same criminals are all members of the Wisconsin Election Commission. WEC This video is now in the Wisconsin Attorney general desk. Here is a link to the story and some excerpts This story was found at 2 pm Easter Time. by 4 PM it was removed from the main page of the outlet. The question we have is , Who at OANN decided to move this bombshell of a story out of view 2 hours after it was posted. The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) knowingly and intentionally violated the...