China world power 2030

Recent reports have stated that China has stolen all the genetic data from Europe and America. Russia has joined China in war games against America and Europe. So what is China's end game? Simple... world domination... Here is how China will Vanquish Europe and America in a short well directed germ warfare attack from which Covid-19 was just a rehearsal. Virus in full infection mode It is the fear that next time China releases a pandemic "IT" will attack only people with Light colored eyes as in the short sci-fi story. While this post sound preposterous it is in reality now a very distinct possibility. Can you imagine European governments, this includes England, Switzerland, Germany with devastated command structure because their army and government bureaucrats are dropping like Iguanas on cold days. How hard would it be for China to invade? Russia will not escape this attack. Neither will ISRAEL with a population of 90% of light colored eyes. With 90% of c...