FACEBOOK; a user's year long use review.

Considering that facebook mission statement changes every few years*... Makes it obvious that facebook is a corporate organism in search of a mission... It is an organism that seeks to establish norms and rules that are contrary to most if not 90% of it's users... Norms and Rules that are often holier than thou and and all the prophets combined. It is good for spying upon the masses considering the PEGASUS spyware infection that is embedded all the way to the MESSENGER feature. All of these are Pegasus infected, WhatsApp Inc. , Onavo , LiveRail , Oculus VR , MORE For example Pegasus software is able to read documents that were scanned or simply copied but not uploaded, Pegasus does this via wifi/bluetooth connection. Back to user review In the common every day use, this writer has been suspended permanently from looking up relatives in other cities and countries. (Violation of mission statement and vision) The disconnect from norms and cultural ac...