Cryptome Intelligence: July 2031 and today

While walking in Central park I stopped to remove a pebble stuck under the new useless sneaker. I leaned on the light post to remove the sneaker. The absent minded youth was busy shifting pages on his paper thin workpad. He stopped briefly on a fox news web page. Whistle Blower: Surveillance tools disguised as Ants Infiltrated the office of Xi Jinping and... I was not able to read further because the young man changed page and refuced to let me see further as he rudely said "Get your own." Next thing I know I'm back. So I looked here are the ants that were used DARPA of course directed the cration of these SPY insects back in 2018.. Coming to an Embassy near you. Listening bugs disguised as insects The prototype robots respond to different vibration frequencies depending on their configurations, allowing researchers to control individual bots by adjusting the vibration. Approximately two millimeters...