Quantum Entanglement, regular life and ESP explained...

There are things in life that can be explained and understood, The hardest, Mother and child feelings and bond. And those unexplained feelings that hold true, The way Twins separated at BIRTH behave almost as one. Artist depiction of Bacterial Quantum entanglement A new paper from a group at the University of Oxford is now raising some eyebrows for its claims of the successful entanglement of bacteria with photons—particles of light. Led by the quantum physicist Chiara Marletto and published in October in the Journal of Physics Communications , the study is an analysis of an experiment conducted in 2016 by David Coles from the University of Sheffield and his colleagues. In that experiment Coles and company sequestered several hundred photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria between two mirrors, progressively shrinking the gap between the mirrors down to a few hundred nanometers—less than the width of a human hair. By bouncing white light between the mirrors, the re...