New poll shows...


A fox news reporter tells us that 59% of democrats prefer socialism...

What the reporter don't tell you is 59% of what number of respondents...

59% of 1200?... 1700?

We looked hard for the source of the poll and and the total... The numbers of respondents are now where to be found or sourced

for those who don't know, there are polls and there are samples. the masses like this so called reporter don't know the difference between the 2.... I doubt his bosses know and if they do... they just played politics to divide....

The big difference between a scientific poll and a mere sample is vast...

A real poll to be of scientific and for that poll have political value must be X% of the population. 

In America it has to be over 3000 respondents to show bias or results that can be quantified or relied upon...

Therefore, this headline 

Majority of Democratic registered voters now prefer socialism 


This reporter  knows he is playing a divisive tactic... and he did well. Nobody saw or questioned the numbers or method... But he did make the headlines= $$$ for him. 

A new Fox News poll showed that more Democrats favor socialism over capitalism, in a sharp reversal from just a year and a half ago.

The poll, taken between Aug. 7-10, showed that 59% of Democratic registered voters who participated had a positive view of socialism, compared to just 49% who felt that way about capitalism.

In February 2020, when the question was last asked, 50% of Democrats who participated said they had a favorable view of capitalism, with just 40% saying the same about socialism.

The poll showed that 44% of Democrats had an unfavorable view of capitalism, and 31% had a negative view of socialism.

Of the Republicans polled, 67% viewed capitalism favorably, and 8% had a favorable view of socialism.

Learn more about polling here on this link...


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